Privacy Policy

Impact4dogs (we, us, our) complies with the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020 (the Act) when dealing with personal information. Personal information is information about an identifiable individual (a natural person).

This policy sets out how we will collect, use, disclose, and protect your personal information.

This policy does not limit or exclude any of your rights under the Act. If you wish to seek further information on the Act, see

This privacy policy explains how your data is stored and used on the Impact4dogs website.

How do we collect your personal data?

We collect personal information about you from:

  • You, when you provide that personal information to us, including via the website and any related service, through any registration or subscription process, through any contact with us (e.g., telephone call or email), or when you buy or use our services and products.

  • Data provided by you through automated technologies or interactions with the Impact4dogs website. We use Google Analytics, Tag Manager, Facebook Insights, LinkedIn Insights, Hotjar Analytics, and Hubspot Analytics to collect aggregated data on user usage.

  • Third parties where you have authorized this or the information is publicly available.

Information we collect

We will collect, process, and store your data only if it is directly provided to us by you. Personal information covers any information which relates to you as an identifiable person. Below are examples of the type of data that this may include:

  • “Identity Data” may include forenames and last name, personal or job title and position, location, or similar identifier.

  • “Contact Data” may include physical address, email address, and telephone number.

  • “Transaction Data” may include requests for products and services you have made to us, or in relation to products or services that we have supplied to you.

  • “Technical Data” may include internet protocol (IP) address, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform, and other technology on the devices used to access this Website.

  • “Usage Data” may include enquiries submitted by you, information supplied, and how you use our website.

  • “Marketing Data” may include details of any preference that you have advised us of in relation to marketing communications from us.

We may also collect non-personal data such as aggregated data, which is data that may be obtained from your personal data, but which does not directly or indirectly identify you.

Data accuracy

It is important that the data that we hold about you is accurate and up to date. In the event that your data changes, please notify us so that we can update our records.

Use of your information

We may hold and process personal data that you provide to us.

The information that we collect and store relating to you is primarily used:

  • To enable us to provide services to you and to communicate with you. This may include Identity, Contact, and Transactional data.

  • To notify you about any changes to our business, such as improvements or service/product changes, that may affect our service or relationship with you. This may include Identity and Contact Data.

  • To notify you of any activities happening within Impact4dogs including but not limited to new forum posts and updates in groups you are a member of. This may include all data. You may unsubscribe from receiving email campaigns from us in Hubspot.

  • To market our services and products to you, including contacting you electronically.

  • To improve the services and products that we provide to you.

  • To gain feedback from you and to respond to communications from you, including a complaint.

  • To conduct statistical analysis (on an anonymized basis).

  • To collect our impact measures (Revenue, FTE, and Export data), collected and collated confidentially.

  • Where we need to comply with a legal obligation. This may include Identity, Contact, Transactional, and Technical Data.

  • Where it is necessary for our legitimate interests (or those of a third party) and your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests. This may include all types of data.

  • For any other purpose authorized by you or the Act.

We will only use your personal data for a reason other than the purpose for which it was originally obtained if we consider that we need to use it for that other purpose and have a legitimate interest in doing so.

Disclosure of your information

There are a range of circumstances where we may disclose your data to third parties. These may include:

  • Regulatory bodies as required by applicable law,

  • Our suppliers who may be involved in the fulfillment of our services to you,

  • Any business that supports our services and products, including any person that hosts or maintains any underlying IT system or data center that we use to provide the website or other services and products,

  • Third-party marketing, where you have consented for us to do so,

  • For anonymized statistical information,

  • Any other person authorized by you.

A business that supports our services and products may be located outside New Zealand. This may mean your personal information is held and processed outside New Zealand.

Protecting your personal information

We will take reasonable steps to keep your personal information safe from loss, unauthorized activity, or other misuse.

Accessing and correcting your personal information

Subject to certain grounds for refusal set out in the Act, you have the right to access your readily retrievable personal information that we hold and to request a correction to your personal information. Before you exercise this right, we will need evidence to confirm that you are the individual to whom the personal information relates.

In respect of a request for correction, if we think the correction is reasonable and we are reasonably able to change the personal information, we will make the correction. If we do not make the correction, we will take reasonable steps to note on the personal information that you requested the correction.

If you want to exercise either of the above rights, email us at [insert contact email]. Your email should provide evidence of who you are and set out the details of your request (e.g., the personal information, or the correction, that you are requesting).

We may charge you our reasonable costs of providing you with copies of your personal information or correcting that information.

Impact4dogs Website and Internet use

While we take reasonable steps to maintain secure internet connections, if you provide us with personal information over the internet, the provision of that information is at your own risk.

If you post your personal information on the website’s [message board/chat rooms], you acknowledge and agree that the information you post is publicly available.

We may use cookies (an alphanumeric identifier that we transfer to your computer’s hard drive so that we can recognize your browser) to monitor your use of the website. You may disable cookies by changing the settings on your browser, although this may mean that you cannot use all of the features of the website.

Third-party links

You might find links to third-party websites on our website. If you click a link to a third-party website and visit that site, you may be allowing that site to collect and share certain data about you. These websites should have their own privacy policies, which you should check. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for their policies whatsoever as we have no control over them.


If you wish to raise a complaint regarding our use of your personal data, then please email us at [insert contact email].

Changes to this policy

We may update these policies to reflect changes to the website and customer feedback.

Please regularly review these policies to be informed of how we are protecting your personal data.

We welcome any queries, comments, or requests you may have regarding this Privacy Policy. Please do not hesitate to contact us via [insert contact email].

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